Bijbels Museum theft
Author: Neil Brodie
Last Modified: 07 Mar 2016

Egyptian artefacts stolen from the Bijbels Museum in Amsterdam and returned by Christie’s New York
In May 2009, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced the recovery of seven ancient Egyptian artefacts that had been stolen from the Amsterdam Bijbels Museum on 29 July 2007. The Art Loss Register had recognized the artefacts in a Christie’s New York Antiquities auction catalogue prior to sale (ICE 2009; Gerstenblith 2010).
ICE (2009), ‘ICE recovers Egyptian artifacts stolen from a museum in the Netherlands’, press release, 27 May (Washington DC: US Immigration and Customs Enforcement)., accessed 5 February 2014.
Gerstenblith, Patty (2010), ‘International cultural property’, in Sherry Hutt and David Tarler (eds.), Yearbook of Cultural Property Law 2010 (Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press), 136.