Christos Tsirogiannis speaking at the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow 10 Nov
05 Nov 2015

As part of the Trafficking Culture exhibition at the Hunterian Museum, Dr. Christos Tsirogiannis will be giving a lunchtime “Insight Talk” at 1pm. All are welcome to attend.
Christos will discuss the exhibition, the illicit trade in antiquities, and in particular his work identifying looted antiquities for sale in the international market.
In addition, Christos will be giving a longer talk, also at the Hunterian, at 4pm on the same day entitled Illicit Antiquities in Museums: Issues, Questions and Challenges for New Professionals for The Trafficking Culture Society’s fall 2015 seminar series. All are welcome to attend, and it will be broadcast live on Periscope. Please watch @meg_lambert and @CultureTraffic at about 3:50 GMT.