Emilne Smith speaks at Asian Criminological Society Meeting in Philippines
06 Jul 2019

Dr Emiline Smith spoke at the Asian Criminological Society Annual Meeting, held in Cebu from 23–26 June, which was themed ‘Contextualizing Challenges in Criminology and Criminal Justice in Asia’ (see http://www.11thacsannualconference.com/). The very successful conference was attended by over 200 participants. Speakers represented a wide variety of emerging research originating from and focusing on Asia.
Emiline was part of the OBORization obstacles: corruption and organized crime panel, organized by Dina Siegel and Daan van Uhm, and spoke about the dangers of China’s Belt and Road Initiative for transnational crime, specifically cultural property trafficking in a talk titled Examining Transnational Crime Along China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Cultural Property as Negative Externality.