Trafficking Culture Book Out Now! (with discount code)
20 Sep 2019

The Trafficking Culture book has been published by Routledge! The product of years of our research, we are looking forward to feedback and discussion about it. More details are available here:
…including a limited time discount code for 20% off the list price.
Trafficking Culture outlines current research and thinking on the illicit market in antiquities. It moves along the global trafficking chain from ‘source’ to ‘market’, identifying the main roles and routines involved. Using original research, the authors explore the dynamics of this ‘grey’ market, where legal and illegal goods are mixed and conflated. It compares and contrasts this illicit trade with other ‘transnational criminal markets’, such as the illegal trades in drugs, wildlife, conflict diamonds, timber, human trafficking, and counterfeits, and provides a series of propositions about practical crime reduction measures for the future.