Trafficking Culture is now an International Research Consortium
31 Jan 2016

The Trafficking Culture Project was initially conceived of as a 4-year academic research project funded by the European Research Council. During those 4 years we have made significant strides in our understanding of global antiquities trafficking, producing foundational evidence-based research not just for the academy, but for policy makers and other stakeholders. We are committed to extending our work beyond the limits of a short project.
Trafficking Culture is now an international research consortium. Our researchers, based at various institutions throughout the UK and in New Zealand, will be working together on research projects, publications including an upcoming co-authored book, and this site. In the coming weeks we will be posting more information about what each one of us is up to and restructuring our website to reflect our new status.
We look forward to continuing to build upon this vital work. We’re expanding our research foci and branching out in various ways, all with the continued goal of understanding the global forces that drive the illicit trade in cultural objects so that we might combat it.