Trafficking Culture Society Student Seminar Series (streaming live)
17 Sep 2015

The Trafficking Culture Society is pleased to announce it’s Fall 2015 seminar series, which will explore how students and researchers from art history, museum studies, archaeology, criminology, and law, both at Glasgow and within the wider world, are affected by issues of looting, trafficking, collection, and exhibition of illicit cultural and art objects. How do these issues affect you and your work? And most importantly, what can you do about them?
Come along to the University of Glasgow’s Hunterian Museum every other Thursday this term at 4pm Glasgow Time, or tune in live on Periscope.
The Periscope link will be posted at @meg_lambert 15 minutes before the start of the talk.
September 17 – Christine Weirch: “Introduction to the Issues: Freshers Week Special”
October 1 – Donna Yates: “Cultural Heritage Protection in Pre- And Post-Earthquake Nepal: Challenges and Opportunities for Researchers”
October 15 – Meg Lambert: “Harms of Omission: the Effects of Archaeological, Anthropological, and Art Historical Publishing on the Illicit Antiquities Trade”
October 29 – Christa Roodt: “Doubtful Provenance and Due Diligence in a Global Context”
November 10 – Christos Tsirogiannis: “Illicit Antiquities in Museums: Issues, Questions and Challenges for New Professionals”
December 10 – Jessica Dietzler: “Affecting Things: Understanding the Subject Matter and Relevancy of Your Statements and Their Impact on Illicit Market Control”