Yates speaking at online UNESCO conf “Mechanisms in fighting trafficking in Cultural Property” 18 Nov
05 Nov 2020

Dr Donna Yates will be speaking at a three-day online conference (16 to 18 Nov) hosted by the Federal Foreign Office in cooperation with UNESCO, the European Union and the Council of Europe. Dr Yates will be part of an expert online panel speaking on Mechanisms in fighting the trafficking in cultural property on day 2 of the conference. The full programme of the event is available here: https://cultural-heritage-and-multilateralism2020.com/en/pages/agenda
The event is free and all are welcome to attend.
More details about the event are available here: https://cultural-heritage-and-multilateralism2020.com/
“The adoption of the UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property on 14 November 1970 was a milestone in international cooperation for the protection of cultural heritage. The 50th anniversary of this key instrument is a perfect occasion to look at successes and challenges in the field of the multilateral protection of cultural property. Given the number of global crises, cultural property can only be lastingly protected by means of joint strategies and cooperative action by the relevant stakeholders. Key fora for programmes on cultural heritage protection include UNESCO, but also the European Union and the Council of Europe. Since Germany will from November 2020 hold both the Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, this is an ideal time to hold a major conference to explore connections between cultural heritage protection and multilateralism. “