Yates speaking at online conference“Opportunities and Challenges of Art and Antiques Market Management” 24–25 Nov
18 Nov 2020

Dr Donna Yates will be speaking at a 2-day international online conference (24 and 25 Nov) organised by National Heritage Board of Latvia. Dr Yates will be giving talk titled ‘Regulating the “Grey” Antiquities Market: what works, what doesn’t and a way forward’.
The event will mark the fiftieth anniversary of the 1970 UNESCO Convention on the Prohibition and Prevention of the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property and the twenty-fifth anniversary of the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention on the Theft or Illegal Export of Cultural Property.
The aim of the Conference is to promote understanding among private representatives of art and antiques trade about their role in the protection of cultural objects, as well as to promote cooperation between public administration and business in the field of cultural objects by strengthening and developing the management of art and antiques market.
The conference will be held online via Zoom. For further information and to request to join email: agnese.cernaja@mantojums.lv; mara.maija.vebere@mantojums.lv