Trafficking Culture presenting at the EAA Conference (Glasgow, 3 Sept)
02 Sep 2015

The members of the Trafficking Culture project will be presenting a number of papers at the European Association of Archaeologists Meeting in Glasgow on 3 Sept.
The session will be in the University of Glasgow Mathematics Building Rm 325, from 13:30 until 16:00.
Trafficking Culture: Research into the Global Traffic in Cultural Objects at the University of Glasgow
13:30–13:40 Introduction
13:40–14:00 The interface between criminology and archaeology: trafficking culture, by Simon Mackenzie
14:00–14:20 Cultural property protection policy failure in Syria, by Neil Brodie
14:20–14:40 Preventing protection: On-the-ground barriers to effective cultural property policy in Bolivia and Belize, by Donna Yates
14:40–15:30 Discussion
16:00–16:20 Lessons in Cultural Heritage Preservation: Learning About the Illicit Antiquities Trade from the Cambodian Civil War, by Tess Davis
16:20–16:40 Inside Job: The Effects of Archaeological Involvement on the Illicit Antiquities Trade, by Meg Lambert
16:40–17:00 An evidence-driven approach to mapping illicit antiquities networks, by Christos Tsirogiannis
17:00–18:00 Discussion
In addition, Annemeik Rhebergen will be presenting a paper entitled: Community initiatives for site protection: a case study from Northwest Argentina on 4 Sept from 8:50 until 9:10 the Boyd Orr Building, Lecture Theater 2.