Yates speaking at online conference “Imperial Artefacts: History, Law and the Looting of Cultural Property” 28 Jan
21 Jan 2021

Dr Donna Yates and Brieanah Gouveia of King Kamehameha V Judiciary History Center will be speaking at a 2-day international online conference (28 and 29 January) organised by Leiden University.
Donna Yates and Brieanah Gouveia will be giving talk titled ‘Provenance narratives of colonial exploitation as value enhancers on the Oceanic art market’.
This interdisciplinary conference aspires to bring together (post-)colonial historians, legal historians, curators, international lawyers, and others engaged with the field to establish research collaborations by critically investigating stories of colonial looting, the framing of colonial history within museums, the origins of the legal framework concerning European laws of war and restitution, as well as a way forward for restitution claims. More about the conference here.