The following is a reference list of academic publications written by members and Friends of the Trafficking Culture project. Publications are listed in reverse date order (i.e. newest at the top). Downloadable pdf files are present when available. Further details about these publications can be viewed by clicking on their respective titles. We ask that anyone using this material cites it appropriately.

Felch, J., and Frammonlin, R. (2006) ‘Getty’s List of Doubts Multiplies’, Los Angeles Times, 18 June.

Felch, J., and Frammolino, R. (2006) ‘N.Y. Museum to Return Allegedly Looted Vase’, Los Angeles Times, 3 February.

Frammolino, R. (2006) ‘Obituaries: Jiri Frel, 82; Colourful Curator Who Left Getty Under a Cloud’, Los Angeles Times, 13 May.

Frammolino, R., and Felch, J. (2006) ‘Boston Museum Returns 13 Antiquities to Italy’, Los Angeles times, 29 September.

Frammolino, R., and Felch, J. (2006) ‘Judas Gospel Figure Has Tainted Past’, Los Angeles Times, 13 April.

Thomas, S. (2006), ‘Building Bridges on Tyneside, June 2005’ Public Archaeology 5 (4), 253-256.

Wilkinson, T., Felch, J., and Frammolino, R. (2006) ‘Getty to Return Artworks to Italy’, Los Angeles Times, 22 June.

Zirganos, N, and Felch, J. (2006) ‘Greek Officials Raid House of Ex-Getty Curator’, Los Angeles Times, 2 April.

Brodie, N. (2005), ‘A Future for Our Past. Symposium for redefining the concept of cultural heritage’, International Journal of Cultural Property 12, 1–7.

Brodie, N. (2005), ‘Regulation of the trade in cultural objects. Historical and social perspectives’, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 38, 1051–66.

Brodie, N. and Renfrew, C. (2005), ‘Looting and the world’s archaeological heritage: the inadequate response’, Annual Review of Anthropology 34, 343–61.

Brodie, N. (2005), ‘The circumstances and consequences of the British Library’s 1994 acquisition of some Kharosthi manuscript fragments’, Culture Without Context (17), 5–12.

Culture Without Context (2005), Issue 17 (Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research).

Culture Without Context (2005), Issue 16 (Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research).

Mackenzie, S. (2005), ‘Dig a Bit Deeper: Law, Regulation and the Illicit Antiquities Market’, British Journal of Criminology, 45, 249-68.

Mackenzie, S. (2005), ‘Criminal and Victim Profiles in Art Theft: Motive, Opportunity and Repeat Victimisation’, Art, Antiquity and Law, X (4), 353-70.

Felch, J. (2005) ‘The Getty Returns 3 Ancient Artifacts to Italy’, Los Angeles Times, 10 November.

Felch, J., and Frammolino, R. (2005) ‘Several Museums May Possess Looted Art’, Los Angeles Times, 8 November.

Felch, J. (2005), ‘Getty to Return Three Ancient Pieces to Italy’, Los Angeles Times, 4 October.