
The following is a reference list of academic publications written by members and Friends of the Trafficking Culture project. Publications are listed in reverse date order (i.e. newest at the top). Downloadable pdf files are present when available. Further details about these publications can be viewed by clicking on their respective titles. We ask that anyone using this material cites it appropriately.

Brodie, N. and Doole, J. (2004), ‘The Asian Art Affair: US art museum collections of Asian Art and Archaeology’, in N. Brodie and C. Hills (eds), Material Engagements: Studies in Honour of Colin Renfrew (Cambridge: McDonald Institute), 83–108.
Culture Without Context (2004), Issue 14 (Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research).
Culture Without Context (2004), Issue 15 (Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research).
Gaimster, D. (2004), ‘Measures against the illicit trade in cultural objects: the emerging strategy in Britain’, Antiquity 78 (301), 699-707.
Gaimster, D. (2004), ‘Recent UK measures against the international illicit trade in cultural objects: outlining the UK strategy’, NOT FOR SALE. A British-Swiss Conference on the traffic in artefacts from Iraq, Afghanistan and Beyond, (Geneva: British Council), 26-30.
Kersel, M. (2004), ‘The politics of playing fair, or, Who’s losing their marbles?’, in Y. Rowan and U. Baram (eds), Marketing Heritage: Archaeology and the Consumption of the Past, (Walnut Creek: AltaMira), 41-56.
Kaye, L., and Spiegler, H. (2004) ‘Asset Valuation: Looted art carries its own set of problems’, New York Law Journal, May 24,
Brodie N. (2003), ‘Lessons from the trade in illicit antiquities’, in S. Oldfield (ed.), The Trade in Wildlife (London: Earthscan), 184–95.
Brodie, N. (2003), ‘Spoils of war’, Archaeology (July/August), 16–19. (Reprinted in 2005, ‘Spoils of war’, in The Archaeology of War (Long Island City: Hatherleigh Press), 251–55).
Brodie, N. and Gill, D.W. (2003), ‘Looting: an international view’, in L. Zimmerman, J. Zimmer and K. Vitelli (eds), Ethical Issues in Archaeology (Walnut Creek: AltaMira), 31–44.
Culture Without Context (2003), Issue 13 (Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research).
Culture Without Context (2003), Issue 12 (Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research).
Brodie, N. and Tubb, K.W. eds. (2002), Illicit Antiquities: the Theft of Culture and the Extinction of Archaeology (London: Routledge).
Addyman, P. and Brodie, N. (2002), ‘Metal detecting in Britain: catastrophe or compromise?’, in N. Brodie and K.W. Tubb (eds), Illicit Antiquities: the Theft of Culture and the Extinction of Archaeology (London: Routledge), 179–84.
Brodie, N. (2002), ‘Introduction’, in N. Brodie and K.W. Tubb (eds), Illicit Antiquities: the Theft of Culture and the Extinction of Archaeology (London: Routledge), 1–22. (Reprinted in 2003, ‘Stolen history: looting and illicit trade’, Museum International 219-220, 10–22; and also in 2004, ‘Illicit antiquities: the theft of culture’, in G. Corsane (ed.), Heritage, Museums and Galleries: an Introductory Reader (London: Routledge), 122-40.
Brodie, N. (2002), ‘Britannia waives the rules? The licensing of archaeological material for export from the United Kingdom’, in N. Brodie and K.W. Tubb (eds), Illicit Antiquities: the Theft of Culture and the Extinction of Archaeology (London: Routledge), 185–204.
Brodie, N. (2002), ‘Illicit antiquities’, in D. Levinson (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment (Massachusetts: Sage), 872–5.
Brodie, N. (2002), ‘Lure of the metal detector: hunting for treasure in England and Wales’, Archaeology (July/August), 60–64.
Culture Without Context (2002), Issue 10 (Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research).
Culture Without Context (2002), Issue 11 (Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research).