The following is a reference list of academic publications written by members and Friends of the Trafficking Culture project. Publications are listed in reverse date order (i.e. newest at the top). Downloadable pdf files are present when available. Further details about these publications can be viewed by clicking on their respective titles. We ask that anyone using this material cites it appropriately.

Tsirogiannis, C. (2013), ‘From Apulia to Virginia: An Apulian Gnathia Askos at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts’, The Journal of Art Crime 10: 81-86.

Dietzler, J. (2013), ‘On ‘Organized Crime’ in the illicit antiquities trade: moving beyond the definitional debate’, Trends in Organized Crime DOI 10.1007/s12117-012-9182-0.

Yates, D. (2013), ‘Publication as Preservation: A Remote Maya Site in the Early 20th Century’, In From Plunder to Preservation: Britain and the Heritage of Empire, 1800–1950′, edited by A. Swenson and P. Mandler. Proceedings of the British Academy, Oxford University Press.

Davis, T. (2013), Letter to the Cultural Property Advisory Committee on the proposed second extension of the Memorandum of Understanding Between the Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Government of the United States of America, 6 February.

Yates, D. (2013), ‘The Theft of Cultural Property in Bolivia: the absence of metal detectors’, AP: Arqueología Publica 3: 10–13.

Beltrametti, S. (2013), ‘Museum Strategies: Leasing Antiquities’, Colombia Journal of Law and the Arts 36 (2), 203-260.

Campbell, S. (2013) ‘Metal detecting, collecting and portable antiquities: Scottish and British perspectives’, Internet Archaeology 33,

Chappell, D., and Huffer, D. (2013) ‘Quantifying and Describing the South and South East Asian Illicit Antiquities Trade: Australia as an Overlooked Destination?’, CEPS Briefing 24

Ng, D., and Felch, J. (2013), ‘Getty to return artwork to Sicily’, Los Angeles Times, 11 January.

Thomas, S. (2013) ‘Brian Hope-Taylor, the Council for British Archaeology, and “The Need for Adequate Archaeological Propaganda”‘, Public Archaeology 12 (2), 101-116.

Roodt, C. (2013) ‘Restitution of art and cultural objects and its limits’, Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa XLVI, 286-307.

Roodt, C., and Carey-Miller, D. (2013) ‘Stolen Cultural Property: Implications of Vitium Reale in Private Law and Private International Law’, Transnational Dispute Management 5.

Vlasic, M., and Davis, T. (2013) ‘When Museums do the Right Thing’, International Herald Tribune, 17 May.

Thomas, S. (2013), ‘Editorial: Portable Antiquities: Archaeology, Collecting, Metal Detecting’, Internet Archaeology 33.

Brodie, N. (2012), ‘Uncovering the antiquities market’, in R. Skeates, C. McDavid and J. Carman (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Public Archaeology (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 230-252.

Brodie, N. and Contreras, D. (2012), ‘The economics of the looted archaeological site of Bâb edh-Dhrâ’: a view from Google Earth’, in P.K. Lazrus and A.W. Barker (eds), All The Kings Horses: Looting, Antiquities Trafficking and the Integrity of the Archaeological Record (Washington DC: Society for American Archaeology), 9-24.

Brodie, N. and Kersel, M.M. (2012), ‘The social and political consequences of devotion to Biblical artifacts’, in P.K. Lazrus and A.W. Barker (eds), All The Kings Horses: Looting, Antiquities Trafficking and the Integrity of the Archaeological Record (Washington DC: Society for American Archaeology).

Tsirogiannis, C. (2012), ‘Do Not Come Back’, I would like to voice this memory…(in Greek), Gedenkschrift for Yiannis Sakellarakis. Vikelaia Library, Herakleion: 258-261.

Yates, D. (2012), ‘Archaeological Practice and Political Change: Transitions and Transformations in the Use of the Past in Nationalist, Neoliberal and Indigenous Bolivia’, PhD Dissertation, University of Cambridge.