Dacian Gold Bracelets
Five hoards of solid gold bracelets looted from the site of Sarmizegetusa Regia, Romania, and partially recovered from the USA and other countries in Europe.

Dat-Hamin Stele
Stolen South Arabian stela returned to Yemen by Phoenix Ancient Art in 2004...

Derrynaflan Hoard
One of the most spectacular hoard discoveries in Ireland, which led first to an increase in enthusiasm for metal detecting as a hobby, but ultimately contributed to the prohibition of unlicensed searching for archaeological material.

Dos Cabezas
Dos Cabezas is a Moche cultural site on Peru’s north coast that was the site of a major tomb looting event in the 1970s or 1980s and several recent looting incidents.

Dos Pilas Stela 17
Maya sculpture that was looted and partially recovered; some portions remain missing.

HMS Duke of Albany
HMS Duke of Albany is a military vessel that was sunk during the First World War.