The following is a reference list of academic publications written by members and Friends of the Trafficking Culture project. Publications are listed in reverse date order (i.e. newest at the top). Downloadable pdf files are present when available. Further details about these publications can be viewed by clicking on their respective titles. We ask that anyone using this material cites it appropriately.

Mackenzie, Simon (2022) ‘Criminology towards the metaverse: Cryptocurrency scams, grey economy and the technosocial’, The British Journal of Criminology Epub: 1-16.

Yates, Donna (2022) “What auction catalogue analysis cannot tell us about the market”, in Michelle D. Fabiani, Kate Melody Burmon, Saskia Hufnagel (eds.), Global Perspectives on Cultural Property Crime. London: Routledge.

Brodie, Neil, Morag M. Kersel, Simon Mackenzie, Isber Sabrine, Emiline Smith and Donna Yates (2021) Why There is Still an Illicit Trade in Cultural Objects and What We Can Do About It. Journal of Field Archaeology, DOI:

Oosterman, N., S. Mackenzie, and D. Yates (2021), ‘Regulating the Wild West: Symbolic Security Bubbles and White Collar Crime in the Art Market’, Journal of White Collar and Corporate Crime, 1-9.

Brodie, Neil (2021) Cuneiform exceptionalism? Justifying the study and publication of unprovenanced cuneiform tablets from Iraq. In Naomi Oosterman and Donna Yates (eds), Crime and Art: Sociological and Criminological Perspectives of Crimes in the Art World. Springer, 103-118.

Yates, D., D. Bērziņa, and A. Wright (2021) ‘Protecting a Broken Window: Vandalism and Security at Rural Rock Art Sites’, The Professional Geographer Epub ahead of print: 1-7.

Brodie, Neil (2021) Die Stele von Tell Sheikh Hamad. In Birthe Hemeier and Isber Sabrine (eds), Kulturraub – Fallbeispiele aus Syrien, Irak, Jemen, Ägypten und Libyen. Berlin: Museum für Islamische Kunst/Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, 101-106.

Yates, D. (2021), ‘Investigating Antiquities Trafficking’, Global Investigative Journalism Network, 20 September: online.

Yates, D. (2021)’Shaligram Pilgrimage in the Nepal Himalayas’, Material Religion, DOI: 10.1080/17432200.2021.1947036.

Yates, Donna (2021) ‘Crime and its objects: Human/object relationships and the market for illicit latin american antiquities’, Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez, 51 (2): 307-312.

Mackenzie, S., A. Hübschle, and D. Yates (2021), “Global Trade in Stolen Culture and Nature as Neocolonial Hegemony”, in J. Blaustein, K. Fitz-Gibbon, N. W. Pino, and R. White (eds.), The Emerald Handbook of Crime, Justice and Sustainable Development. Emerald Publishing Limited, 419 – 436.

Mackenzie, S. and D. Yates (2020), “Researching the Structure of the Illicit Antiquities Trade”, in A. Tompkins (ed.), Provenance Research Today: Principles, Practice, Problems. London: Lund Humphries.

Yates, D. and D. Berzina (2020), “Regulating the “Grey” Antiquities Market: What Works, What does not and a Way Forward”, in Opportunities And Challenges Of The Art And Antiques Market Management. Riga: The National Heritage Board of Latvia, 73-84.

Brodie, N. (2020), ‘Restorative justice? Questions arising out of the Hobby Lobby return of cuneiform tablets to Iraq’, Revista Memória em Rede 12: 87-109.

Mackenzie, S. and D. Yates (2020), “Crime, Corruption, and Collateral Damage: Large Infrastructure Projects as a Threat to Cultural Heritage”, in T. Wing Lo, D. Siegel, and S. I. Kwok (eds), Organized Crime and Corruption Across Borders Exploring the Belt and Road Initiative. London: Routledge.

Brodie, Neil (2020) ‘What is this thing called the PAS? Metal-detecting entanglements in England and Wales’, Revista d’Arqueologia de Ponent 30: 85-100.

Atkinson, C., D. Yates, and N. Brooke (2020),‘Now that you mention it, museums probably are a target’: museums, terrorism and security in the United Kingdom”, Museum Management and Curatorship, 35(2): 109–124.

Yates, D. and E. Smith (2019), “Antiquities Trafficking and the Provenance Problem”, in J. Milosch and N. Pearce (eds.) Collecting and Provenance: A Multidisciplinary Approach. London: Rowman & Littlefield.

Yates, D. (2019), “Failures and consequences of anti-antiquities trafficking policy in Mesoamerica”, in C. Tremain, & D. Yates (Eds.), The Market for Mesoamerica: Reflections on the Sale and Acquisition of Pre-Columbian Collections. Gainsville: University Press Florida