The following is a reference list of academic publications written by members and Friends of the Trafficking Culture project. Publications are listed in reverse date order (i.e. newest at the top). Downloadable pdf files are present when available. Further details about these publications can be viewed by clicking on their respective titles. We ask that anyone using this material cites it appropriately.

Yates, D. (2014) ‘Church Theft, Insecurity, and Community Justice: The Reality of Source-End Regulation of the Market for Illicit Bolivian Cultural Objects’, European Journal on Criminal Policy Research, DOI 10.1007/s10610-014-9232-z

Brodie, N. (2014) The antiquities trade: Four case studies. In D. Chappell and S. Hufnagel (eds), Contemporary Perspectives on the Detection, Investigation and Prosecution of Art Crime. Oxford: Ashgate, 15-36.

Mackenzie, S. (2014) ‘While Elgin Marbles debate rages, there is still a market for looted antiquities’, The Conversation, 14 February.

Brodie, N. and Mackenzie, S. (2014), ‘Trafficking cultural objects: introduction’, European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research (Early Online Publication)

Yates, D. (2014) ‘Lost cities and looted tombs: Studying artifact smuggling in Belize’, Day of Archaeology, 11 July.

Mackenzie, S. (2014), ‘Conditions for Guilt-Free Consumption in a Transnational Criminal Market’, European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research DOI 10.1007/s10610-013-9229-z

Yates, D. (2014), ‘Lies, damned lies, and archaeologists: antiquities trafficking research as criminology and the ethics of identification’, AP: Arqueología Publica Special Volume 1.

The Amineddoleh, Leila (2014), ‘British Museum Should Return The Parthenon Marbles To Greece’, Forbes, 23 December.

Amineddoleh, Leila (2014), ‘Monuments Men, Hidden Treasures, and the Restitution of Looted Art’, New York State Bar Association, Entertainment, Arts and Sports Law Journal 25 (1): 16-22.

Thomas, S. (2014), ‘Comments on Josephine Munch Rasmussen: ‘Securing Cultural Heritage Objects and Fencing Stolen Goods? A Case Study on Museums and Metal Detecting in Norway’, Norwegian Archaeological Review 47 (2): 196-199.

Amineddoleh, Leila (2014), ‘Protecting Cultural Heritage by Strictly Scrutinizing Museum Acquisitions’, Fordham Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment Law Journal 24 (3): 729-781.

Thomas, S. (2014), ‘Vulnerable by Design: Theft and Finnish Architecture’, The Historic Environment 5(3): 231–44.

Thomas, S. (2014), ‘Movement of Cultural Objects In and Through Finland: An Analysis in a Regional Context’, European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research.

Winzler, T. (2014) ‘Pierre Bourdieu’s Field Theory and its use for understanding the illicit trafficking of cultural objects’, Working Paper

Brodie, N., Dietzler, J., and Mackenzie, S. (2013) ‘Trafficking in Cultural Objects: an Empirical Overview’, in S. Manacorda and A. Visconti (eds) Beni culturali e sistema penale (Milano: Vita e Pensiero), 19-30.

Lambert, M. (2013), ‘Give and Take: US Museums’ Attitudes and Ethics Toward the Acquisition and Repatriation of West African Cultural Artefacts’, Masters Dissertation, University of Glasgow.

Tsirogiannis, C. (2013), ‘Something is Confidential in the State of Christie’s’, Journal of Art Crime 9: 3-19.

Tsirogiannis, C.(2013), ‘A Marble Statue of a Boy at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts’, The Journal of Art Crime 9: 55-60.

Brodie, N., and Bowman Proulx, B. (2013), ‘Museum malpractice as corporate crime? The case of the J. Paul Getty Museum’, Journal of Crime and Justice