Funded PhD Opportunity
01 Feb 2013
The University of Glasgow and the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research has announced the launch of the new Dawes Trust Bursaries.
Newton International Fellowships – call for applications
31 Jan 2013
Are you interested in carrying out post-doctoral research in a UK institution?
New Data: Norwegian playing cards
28 Jan 2013
Trafficking Culture have been given permission to reproduce the images used for a new deck of playing cards which will be distributed among armed forces, customs and police in Norway.
Donna Yates to speak at the University of Cambridge
22 Jan 2013
Donna Yates will be presenting a seminar at the McDonald Institute of Archaeology as part of the Cambridge Heritage Research Group Seminar Series on January 30th:
Cultural Property, Andean Church Theft, and Mummies in the Post: Developing Method and Theory to Understand Transnational Heritage Crime
Until quite recently, the study of the looting, theft, and trafficking has been the pet project of...
New Data pages: using Google Earth to identify looted sites
18 Jan 2013
The Data section of our website has some exciting new pages.
Simon Mackenzie to speak at Milan Conference
09 Jan 2013
On 16th January, Professor Simon Mackenzie will be speaking at a conference on Prevention and Fight Against Illicit Trafficking in Cultural Property: The National and International Dimension.
Welcoming Tess Davis to the TC team!
03 Jan 2013
Today we welcome Tess Davis, who officially starts working with the Trafficking Culture project as a Researcher.
Images of items stolen from the Museo Chiribaya in Data Section
09 Dec 2012
Trafficking Culture has been provided with a series of images of archaeological objects stolen from the Museo Arqueologico Pre Inca Chiribaya in Ilo, Peru, in March 2009. These images and descriptions of the stolen objects in both English and Spanish are available in our Data section.
Trafficking Culture talk at the University of Hong Kong
07 Dec 2012
On Tuesday 18 December there is an opportunity to see Professor Simon Mackenzie talk about Trafficking Culture in a special lecture at the University of Hong Kong.
ESRC Doctoral Studentships Available
06 Dec 2012
The Scottish Graduate School of Social Science, and the ESRC Doctoral Training Centre which it hosts, has announced a wide range of ESRC PhD studentships available for 2013/14 entry. Successful candidates will receive research training from the best departments across Scotland, which have joined forces to create the biggest Doctoral Training Centre in the social sciences in the UK. The consortium...
Post-doctoral Fellowship opportunity
26 Nov 2012
The University of Glasgow is currently looking for applicants for the Lord Kelvin Adam Smith Fellowship scheme.
Trafficking Culture goes to TAG
19 Nov 2012
The Theoretical Archaeology Group, an annual conference, takes place this December at the University of Liverpool.
Trafficking Culture seminar on 28th November
13 Nov 2012
On Wednesday the 28th of November at 4pm, there will be an opportunity to hear about the research of Trafficking Culture.
Call For Papers: Special Issue on Trafficking in Cultural Objects for the EJCPR
02 Nov 2012
European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research is a peer-reviewed international criminology journal with a special interest in transnational organized crime. It is run by Editor-in-Chief Ernesto U. Savona (Professor of Criminology, Università Cattolica del S. Cuore- Milan Director of TRANSCRIME (Joint Research Centre on Transnational Crime) and Managing Editor Dr. Stefano Caneppele...
College of Social Sciences Scholarship Competition
02 Nov 2012
The University of Glasgow’s College of Social Sciences’ Scholarship Competition for 2013 has opened.
New Data added – Looted Zeugma mosaic
31 Oct 2012
Trafficking Cullture have been given images from the 1993 excavation of the Metiokhos and Parthenope mosaic at Zeugma in Turkey. The photographs came courtesy of Dr Philip Freeman of the University of Liverpool, who worked on the excavations at Zeugma.
This is the second set of images that we are able to show in our new Data section, an area of the website that is dedicated to the collation of...
New ‘Data’ Section
26 Oct 2012
We are excited to announce the launch of our new Data section. We see this as a means through which useful data across varied media can be presented and used by researchers and other interested parties. It will no doubt grow over time. Our first addition to the Data section is a collection of forty-seven photographs taken during the looting of the Maya site of Placeres, Mexico, in the late...
New Researcher joins in January
14 Oct 2012
Trafficking Culture are really delighted to welcome Tess Davis, who will be joining the project as a Researcher in January 2013.
Tess has extensive experience of working in both archaeology and law, and is currently the Executive Director of the Lawyers’ Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation, based in the USA. She holds a Batchelor of Arts in Archaeology from Boston University, and...
The American Society of Criminology
03 Oct 2012
Simon Mackenzie, Neil Brodie, and Jessica Dietzler will all be presenting papers at the ASC conference in November.
Neil Brodie Headed to Keros
30 Sep 2012
Neil Brodie is headed to the Cyclades to conduct archaeological survey on the island of Keros. This is follow-up work stemming from excavations conducted with Cambridge University’s Keros Project, headed by Trafficking Culture friend Colin Renfrew. Several other Friend of the Project and Project Team Members have previously worked on Keros as well.