The following is a reference list of academic publications written by members and Friends of the Trafficking Culture project. Publications are listed in reverse date order (i.e. newest at the top). Downloadable pdf files are present when available. Further details about these publications can be viewed by clicking on their respective titles. We ask that anyone using this material cites it appropriately.

Kersel, M. (2010) ‘The changing legal landscape for Middle Eastern archaeology in the Colonial Era, 1800-1930’, in G. Emberling (ed.), Pioneers to the Past: American archaeologists in the Middle East 1919-1920 (Chicago: The Oriental Institute Museum Publications), 85-90.

Kersel, M. (2010) ‘Walking a fine line: Obtaining sensitive information using a valid methodology’, in M. Sorensen, and J. Carman (eds), Heritage Studies: Methods and approaches (London, New York: Routledge), 178-200.

Spiegler, H. (2010) ‘What the Lady Has Wrought: The Ramifications of the Portrait of Wally Case’, Art and Advocacy Volume 07, 1-8

Spiegler, H., and Weitz, Y. (2010) ‘The Ancient World meets the Modern World: A Primer on the Restitution of Looted Antiquities’, Art and Advocacy Volume 06, 1-4.

Thomas, S. (2010), ‘Nighthawks and Dayhawks: Heritage thieves with metal detectors’, The Archaeologist 77, 16-17.

Lavris Makovics, J. (2009), ‘A Perfect Pothunting Day: An Examination of Vandalism to the Cultural Resources of Canyon de Chelly National Monument, its Motivations, and Potential Solutions’, MA Dissertation, University of Leicester.

Brodie, N. (2009), ‘Unwanted antiquities’, Museum International 241-2, 97-100.

Chappell, D., and Polk, K. (2009), ‘Fakers and Forgers, Deception and Dishonesty: An Exploration of the Murky World of Art Fraud’, Current Issues in Criminal Justice 20 (3), 393-412.

Brodie, N. (2009), ‘The market in Iraqi antiquities 1980-2008’, in S. Manacorda (ed.), Organised Crime in Art and Antiquities (Milan: International Scientific and Professional Advisory Council of the United Nations), 63-74.

Brodie, N. (2009), ‘Consensual relations? Academic involvement in the illegal trade in ancient manuscripts’, in P. Green and S. Mackenzie (eds), Criminology and Archaeology: Studies in Looted Antiquities (Oñati International Series in Law and Society) (Oxford: Hart), 41-58.

Mackenzie, S. (2009), ‘Protection Against Trafficking in Cultural Property’, (Vienna: UNODC).

Mackenzie, S. and Green, P. (2009), ‘Criminalising the Market in Illicit Antiquities: an Evaluation of the Dealing in Cultural Objects (Offences) Act 2003 in England and Wales’, in S. Mackenzie and P. Green (eds.), Criminology and Archaeology: Studies in Looted Antiquities (Oxford: Hart).

Mackenzie, S. and Green, P. (2009), ‘Introduction’, in S. Mackenzie and P. Green (eds.), Criminology and Archaeology: Studies in Looted Antiquities (Oxford: Hart).

Amineddoleh, Leila (2009), ‘Phoenix Ancient Art and the Aboutaams in Hot Water Again’, Art & Cultural Heritage Law Newsletter 1 (5): 13-15.

Fincham, D. (2009) ‘The Fundamental Importance of Archaeological Context’, in N. Charney (ed.) Art and Crime: Exploring the dark side of the art world, (Westport: Greenwood Publishing), 1-12

Spiegler, H. (2009) ‘Surviving War and Peace: The Long Road to Recovering the Malevich Paintings’, The Journal of Art Crime, Spring 2009, 3-8.

Thomas, S. (2009), ‘Introduction’, in S. Thomas and P.G. Stone (eds.), Metal Detecting and Archaeology (Woodbridge: The Boydell Press), 1-12.

Thomas, S. (2009), ‘The Relationships between Archaeologists and Metal-detector Users in England and Wales: Impact of the Past and Implications for the Future’, Ph.D. thesis (Newcastle University).

Thomas, S. (2009), ‘Wanborough Revisited: The Rights and Wrongs of Treasure Trove Law in England and Wales’, in S. Thomas and P.G. Stone (eds.), Metal Detecting and Archaeology (Woodbridge: The Boydell Press), 153-66.