The following is a reference list of academic publications written by members and Friends of the Trafficking Culture project. Publications are listed in reverse date order (i.e. newest at the top). Downloadable pdf files are present when available. Further details about these publications can be viewed by clicking on their respective titles. We ask that anyone using this material cites it appropriately.

Casey, R. (2015), ‘Analyzing criminality in the market for ancient Near Eastern art’, Journal of Art Crime 13: 39-49.

Yates, D. (2015), ‘Reality and Practicality: Challenges to Effective Cultural Property Policy on the Ground in Latin America’, International Journal of Cultural Property 22 (2–3): 337–356.

Yates, D. (2015), ‘Trafficking Culture’, History Today, June Issue.

Tsirogiannis, C. (2015), ‘Nekyia: Duplicates and the Antiquities Market’, Journal of Art Crime 12: 81-88.

Lambert, M. and Yates, D. (2015), ‘Crime, Controversy and the Comments Section: Discussing archaeological looting, trafficking, and the illicit antiquities trade online’, Internet Archaeology 39.

Kersel, M.M. (2015), ‘Fractured oversight: The ABCs of cultural heritage in Palestine after the Oslo Accords’, Journal of Social Archaeology 15(1): 24–44.

Brodie, N. (2014), “Thinking Some More about the Sevso Treasure”, Journal of Art Crime 12: 3–12.

Davis, T. and Mackenzie, S. (2014) ‘Crime and Conflict: Temple Looting in Cambodia’. In J. Kila and M. Balcells (eds) Cultural Property Crimes: an overview and analysis on contemporary perspectives and trends (Brill: Leiden) 292–306.

Brodie, N. (2014), ‘Aramaic incantation bowls in war and in peace’, Journal of Art Crime 11: 9-14.

Brodie, N. and Kersel, M.M. (2014), ‘WikiLeaks, Text, and Archaeology: The Case of the Schøyen Incantation Bowls’, in Rutz, M.T. and Kersel, M.M. eds. Archaeology of Text: Archaeology, Technology, and Ethics (Philadelphia: Oxbow), 198–213.

Tsirogiannis, C. and Gill D. (2014), ‘”A Fracture in Time”: A Cup Attributed to the Euaion Painter from the Bothmer Collection’, International Journal of Cultural Property 21: 465-480.

Brodie, N. (2014) Auction houses and the antiquities trade. In S. Choulia-Kapeloni (ed.), 3rd International Conference of Experts on the Return of Cultural Property. Athens: Archaeological Receipts Fund, 71-82.

Brodie, N. (2014), ‘Provenance and price: autoregulation of the antiquities market?’, European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research (Early Online Publication)

Tsirogiannis, C. (2014), ‘A South Italian Bell-Krater by Python in the Metropolitan Museum of Art’, The Journal of Art Crime 11: 63-68.

Yates, D. (2014), ‘Displacement, deforestation, and drugs: antiquities trafficking and the narcotics support economies of Guatemala’. In J. Kila and M. Balcells (eds) Cultural Property Crimes: an overview and analysis on contemporary perspectives and trends (Brill: Leiden) 23–36.

Panella, C. (2014), ‘Looters or Heroes? Production of Illegality and Memories of ‘Looting’ in Mali’, European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 20(4): 487–502.

Brodie, N. (2014), ‘The antiquities market: it’s all in a price’, Heritage and Society 7(1): 32-46.

Brodie, N. (2014) The Internet market in Precolumbian antiquities. In J. Kila and M. Balcells (eds), Cultural Property Crime: An Overview and Analysis on Contemporary Perspectives and Trends. Leiden: Brill, 237-262.

Davis, T. (2014), “From Babylon to Baghdad: Cultural Heritage and Constitutional Law in the Republic of Iraq”, International Journal of Cultural Property 21: 445–463.