Emilne Smith speaks at Asian Criminological Society Meeting in Philippines
06 Jul 2019
Dr Emiline Smith spoke at the Asian Criminological Society Annual Meeting, held in Cebu from 23–26 June, which was themed ‘Contextualizing Challenges in Criminology and Criminal Justice in Asia’ (see The very successful conference was attended by over 200 participants. Speakers represented a wide variety of emerging research originating from and...
Mackenzie speaking at UNESCO Executive Symposium, Bangkok
12 Jun 2019
Professor Simon Mackenzie will be speaking at and serving as resource person for Sub-regional Executive Symposium for Ministerial Officials on International Cooperation to Protect Cultural Properties and Curriculum and Methodology Review Meeting, from 10 to 14 June 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand. This symposium, designed by UNESCO, aims to create a high-level network of decision makers in this area...
Neil Brodie named as Corresponding Member of the Archaeological Institute of America.
27 Mar 2019
On January 4, 2019 in San Diego, California, at the 140th Annual Meeting of the Council of the Archaeological Institute of America, Dr Neil Brodie was elected as a Corresponding Member of the AIA for achieving eminence as one of the leading researchers in the field of cultural heritage protection and the trade in antiquities.
For more details,...
Brodie Speaking at ‘Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Property’ Workshop, Kuwait, 18 Feb.
11 Feb 2019
Dr Neil Brodie will be speaking at UN House, in Mishref, Kuwait, as part of a “national capacity building and awareness raising programme” targeting experts in the field of culture. Dr Brodie’s talk is entitled “Understanding the international market in illicit cultural objects”.
Further information, including the programme for the event, is available...
Neil Brodie speaking at UNESCO, Paris, 26–27 November
23 Nov 2018
Brodie’s talk, entitled “The structure and organisation of the antiquities trade: results of some recent research”, will form part of “Fighting the Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Property”, a training workshop hosed by UNESCO and the EU for European judiciary and law enforcement.
Event attendance is by invitation only.
More information about speakers at this event...
WE’RE HIRING: Part -Time Lecturer in Trafficking Culture, University of Glasgow
05 Nov 2018
Part-time, teaching-focused position funded for at least 5 years!
Dr Tsirogiannis on a visiting professorship at Aarhus University
02 Nov 2018
For the next few months, Dr Christos Tsirogiannis will be in Denmark at Aarhus University. There he will be visiting as Associate Professor in the Museum of Ancient Art and Archaeology, within the School of Culture and Society.
Yates speaking at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada: 12 October
10 Oct 2018
The talk, titled “Ancient Art and Modern Crime: How Stolen Antiquities End Up In Our Most Respected Museums”, will be part of Carlton University’s Shannon Lecture Series.
All are invited to attend this free lecture in room 252 of Carleton University’s MacOdrum Library at 2:30p.m. A reception will follow.
For more...
Donna Yates awarded €1.5m European Research Council Starting Grant
27 Jul 2018
For the project “Trafficking transformations: objects as agents in transnational criminal networks”
Emiline Smith passes her PhD viva: Congratulations Dr Smith!
24 Jul 2018
We are pleased to announce that Emiline Smith has passed her PhD viva with flying colours. Emiline’s dissertation, entitled “Illicit Markets in the Global City: The Cultural Property Trade in Hong Kong”, is the product of a year of dedicated fieldwork on the movement of cultural objects through the region. Her work expands upon the idea of Hong Kong as a global city, taking a...
Brodie and Yates completing study on illicit trafficking of antiquities through Europe for the European Commission
10 Jul 2018
With partner Ecorys, Neil Brodie and Donna Yates have been selected to complete European Commission EAC/06/2017 “Improving Knowledge on Illicit Trade in Cultural Goods in the EU”.
Tsirogiannis speaking at University of Cambridge, 17 January
15 Jan 2018
Dr Christos Tsirogiannis will be speaking at the McDonal Lunchtime Seminar Series at the University of Cambridge’s McDonald Institute of Archaeology.
The title of his talk is “Recent Developments in Illicit Antiquities Research” and it will take place on Wednesday, 17 January 2018, 13.15 pm in the McDonald Institute Seminar Room, Courtyard Building, Downing Site.
Yates speaking at C14 conference, ETH Zurich, 16–17 Nov 2017
14 Nov 2017
“Radiocarbon dating and protection of cultural heritage” has been organized by ETH Zurich and University of Geneva, with a support of the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Swiss Commission for UNESCO, Bern.
Yates will be speaking about the antiquities market as a “grey market” with a special focus on how the actions of professionals and experts supports and...
Mackenzie giving a public lecture on white-collar and organised crime and antiquities trafficking at WLU, Toronto, 6 November.
26 Sep 2017
Prof. Mackenzie’s talk is entitled Policing white-collar crime and organised crime in international markets in trafficked cultural objects.
The public lecture will be held on Monday 6 November from 7 to 8:30pm. More information is available from the Criminology Department at Wilfred Laurier University. An abstract for the talk is below:
This talk will consider the challenges of policing...
“Meet the Archaeologist Who Helps Find Stolen Art”, Tsirogiannis profiled on
31 Aug 2017
Dr. Christos Tsirogiannis’ work has been featured on The History Channel’s website:
In August 2004, Christos Tsirogiannis got a message that would change his life. Would he be interested in accompanying the Athens police on a raid? It might not seem like a job for an archaeologist, but police told him they might need his expertise once they got there. He agreed, got in an unmarked...
Yates presenting at “Art, Crime & Criminals” workshop, Federal Ministry of Finance, Berlin, 7–8 Sep
31 Aug 2017
Organised by Professor Duncan Chappell, Dr Saskia Hufnagel, and Ms Marissa Marjos, this is the third of three AHRC-funded Art Crime focused workshops, the first two of which were in London and were great. This workshop specifically focuses on the looting, plunder, and destruction of heritage.
Yates will be be providing a regional case study: trafficking of antiquities in and out of Latin...
Brodie keynote speaker at Archives and Records Association Conference, Manchester, 1 Sep
31 Aug 2017
The theme of this year’s ARA conference is ‘Challenge the Past, Set the Agenda’.
Dr Brodie’s keynote, held on 1 Sept from 9:30 to 10:20 am, is entitled: “Scholarly Engagement with Unprovenanced Ancient Manuscripts”:
There is increasing concern in the UK and Republic of Ireland about the risk of theft, destruction or illicit disposal of cultural heritage, though...
Dr Tsirogiannis’ research instrumental in seizure of looted Greek vase from Met Museum
01 Aug 2017
Full story featured in The New York Times...
Yates on PRI’s “The World” to talk about Hobby Lobby antiquities case
07 Jul 2017
Donna spoke about the “red flags” that were ignored by the purchaser of thousands of Iraqi artefacts.
Both the audio of the interview and a written version can be found here:
Yates to present Nepal research at workshop on ‘Disadvantage’, Glasgow 6-7 Jul
05 Jul 2017
Donna’s presentation is titled “Sacred Security: Threat, Vulnerability, and the Protection of Sacred Art in Nepal”, and is based on a soon-to-be published paper co-authored with Simon Mackenzie.
The workshop is free to attend, with registration available via this link:
More information about the workshop: